Punta Banda Blue | 30" x 30" Type C Print | Limited Edition 10

Punta Banda Pink | 30" x 30" Type C Print | Limited Edition 10
These color works were created on my recent trip to Punta Banda, Baja Mexico. I originally set out to photograph the surrounding areas in B&W infrared film (yes, I still have a few rolls of the discontinued HIE film by Kodak) but because of the thick fog layer, I was unable to use my film as it requires more sunlight. I took these images as the sun disappeared behind the horizon using very long exposures. While creating these images during night fall ... I remember the thick mist and cool ocean breeze. I found it to be a joy to experiment and think outside the box while creating new works. I hope you enjoy them. I have more color works from this series to follow ... so please check back very soon.